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Description of Phenomena

The above photo shows a sample of printed mandala, the paper is laminated. Where does the energy came from the paper?  It was a big question that requires scientific studies and experiment. Since the discovery of the phenomena in 2012, the taste of wine changed to sour and the coffee tasted lighter. The search for holy grail continues. Will the taste change further if the mandalas are edited of its colors. At last, the new balance has achieved upon the result of the test, the taste of coffee became more matured and sweeter. It was tested on raw and cooked meat, vegetables and fruits. All the samplings tasted better and the texture appeared more fresher and the leafy vegetables were upright. The last test was on beverages, beer, wine and liquor.


The physical test on taste has detected a change.


Prof. Ida Bagus Manuaba from the Faculty of Chemistry offered to test it on laboratory. The ethanol on the glass was placed on top of the mandala for 15 minutes. The other ethanol was tested its AVB in the chromatograph machine. It lasted about 10 minutes. The next test was the mandala treated ethanol. After 10 minutes, the printer started to print the result. Mr. Nyoman was surprised, "there results were not the same".  As expectedly, the same substance must have the same result. However, the ethanol reacted with the mandala energy and reduced its ethanol count from 13.17% to 10.88%.


What must be the scientific explanation and theory that would support it?

1. Zero-point energy, the paper does not have any external source of energy.
2. The force is in its rest mass.

3. The force continues to work and reached its peak at 15 minutes time.

4. No applied heat or cold.

5. The color of mandala must have an energy - wave.

6. What is its frequency?

7. It can penetrate solid objects such as glass, plate, metal, plastic.

8. The contents in the object absorbed the energy.

9. Chemical reaction occurred.

10. It has healing properties, it can stimulate the growth of plants.

11. It changed the color of the fruits on the trees.

12. It changed the size of the mango fruits and pomelo larger than before.


Searching for the right reading material, the keywords are used and the gamma ray fits with the phenomena, the low-dose gamma ray. The characteristic of gamma ray is photoelectric effect. The other theory was perpetual motion mechanics and zero-point energy. The paper was submitted to Science PG. The peer-reviewer suggested to compare any paper of the same title with the phenomena, the Japanese anti-aging scientific paper has similarities with the healing effect of mandala in various cases observerd for the last three years.


The paper was approved and published on December 10, 2015.









The Mandala Research by Niki Saraswati @ 2016 - 2018

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