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Product Idea: The Magic Mandala Coaster

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What is the Magic Mandala Coaster?

Strange as it may sound, you must experience it to believe it. Imagine a coaster for your coffee that would give you an espresso lite for 5-10 minutes.  The magic mandala coaster transforms the solid brewed coffee with its thick bitter flavor into a lighter essence.


It is a flavor enhancement to process the substance for it full maturity or reducing the intensity of bitter, sweet and sourly-taste.


Any beverages can be tested with the Magic Mandala Coaster.


The magic is an unimaginable, though scientifically explained with the photoelectric effect of Low-Dose Gamma Ray Exposure in Mandala, the photon energy can break the covalent bonding of organic molecule to recreate a new balance of flavor. The photoelectric effect is one of the characteristic of the gamma-ray which penetrates the material like the X-ray particle without any hazardous and side effects. 


What is a Mandala? Mandala pertains to a holographic pattern of the Hindu and Buddhist deities in their heavenly realm, a mandala artistry is not limited to the Buddhist monk's expertise, it is a natural gift for any chosen individual by undergoing a self-exploratory period, and cleansing the sub-conscious arena of the mind till the consciousness attunes to gamma brainwave frequency and the nature's frequency itself.


In order to provide an essential proof and evidence of the spiritual discipline in this art, the mandala energy was tested in the laboratory, the chromatograph machine printed another result of the Ethanol 13 which was reduced to Ethanol 10. 


The discovery of the mandala energy was first published in a book, Les Mandalas de Niki, three years later, the scientific explanation was translated in an article, Low Dose Gamma-Ray Exposure in Mandala, published in the High-Energy Physics Journal, SciencePG.


Would you like to see the video that revived the soggy kangkung to a fresher condition? It is the same energy for beverage flavor enhancement. 


The Mandala Research by Niki Saraswati @ 2016 - 2018

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