Where can you Buy a Natural Alkaline Water?
The benefit of oxygen in your body, "Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburgg was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine for discovering that primary cause of cancer is the lack of oxygen in a cell. Acidity in body creates the lack of oxygen.".

Oxygen provides 90% of our energy. With only 10% coming from food and water, this really drives home the point of how important oxygen is in our day-to-day lives.
Some scientific studies have found that increasing the amount of oxygen in the body alkalizes it and creates an environment where disease cannot exist. A good way to get oxygen into the body is through the water. Past tests have shown that consuming oxygenated water increased the level of the oxygen in the blood. When the supply has more oxygen diseases have trouble growing.
How do you neutralize the acidity in your body?
The Ionized Microcluster Alkaline Water offers scientific information about the benefits of 8.0 pH water:

Most of the water we drink is acidic. Tap water in most cities, e.g., Vancouver, BC and Seattle, WA, is acidic and has a pH of 6.5 on average. Most bottled water, filtered water, mineral water, spring water and other beverages have a pH below 6.5. On the other hand, Water80 ionized microcluster alkaline water is weak alkaline and has a pH around 8.0. Drinking weak alkaline water is effective at controlling over-acidic pH levels in body. However, it does not mean more alkaline the water is, healthier the water is. According to Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality and United States National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, pH of healthy drinking water should not exceed 8.5.
Do you want a natural product or electrolysis product?
Mayo Clinic ran a short article entitled, "Is alkaline water better for your than plain water?" written by Katerine Zeratsky, R.D.' L.D.
For most people, plain water is best, pure water has 7.0 pH level. Because alkaline water has a higher pH level than does plain tap water, proponents say that it can neutralize acid in your bloodstream, boost your metabolism and help your body absorb nutrients more effectively. Some even say that alkaline water can help prevent disease and slow the aging process. However, researchers haven't verified these claims.
Some studies suggest that alkaline water may help slow bone loss, but further investigation to determine if this influences overall bone mineral density and if the benefits is maintained over the long term.
Instead of buying bottled water or supplementing with minerals, you can also buy a machine, called water ionizer, which creates alkaline water via a process called ionization.
The Mandala Ionized Water With mandala light energy (low-dose gamma ray), it increased the pH of the water, from the initial state of pH 6.6 to pH 7.9 – 8.1 at a peak time of 12 hours. Pure water is neutral. When an acid is dissolved in water, the pH will be less than 7. When a base, or alkaline, is dissolved in water, the pH will be greater than7.

A speck of an alkalizing substance like baking soda will immediately raise the pH of a glass to over 7. Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate is a white solid that is crystalline but often appears as a fine powder. It has a slightly salty, alkaline taste resembling that of washing soda (sodium carbonate). The natural mineral form is nahcolite. It is a component of the mineral natron and is found dissolved in many mineral springs.
An artificial alkaline water is utilizing an electrolysis machine which claims to raise the pH of drinking water. This type of machine are designed to work as water electrolysers with electrochemical process in which water is split to form hydrogen and oxygen by electric current.
Therefore, the Mandala Ionizing Water is Natural like it is found in many mineral springs or mineral water. This hypothetical claim is still subjected to peer-review. For trial of the mandala water ionizing sheet, the price is USD 20 for 5 laminated sheets in 3 sizes, (2", 4", 8"). It will last for more than 2-3 months. We shall send it you via express mail, additional fee for postage and weight charges.
How to use the Mandala Ionizing Water Sheet? Simply submerge it in a glass or pitcher of water and leave it for 24 hours to drink. Or, you may submerge the largest Mandala Ionizing Water sheet in your water tank by tying it with a string.
For additional reading:
1. http://www.water80.com/water80/mwater/en-us/alkaline-water-health-benefits.htm
Photo credit to:
1. https://www.aowmfg.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/glass-water-e1453341396552.jpg
2. http://kangenwater-alkalinewater.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/alkaline_water-charter-kangen-water4.jpg