Mandala Ionized Water, Natural or Artificial?
Any way you want it, drink your holy mineral water or prepare your mineral bathe ritual in the comforts of your home, with mandala water ionizing sheet. To use it, submerge the ionizing sheet (laminated for longer-lasting) to the water dispenser or container until the peak time of 12 hours.

Where is the scientific explanation?
The ionizing radiation of the low-dose gamma ray in mandala is tested on water pH, the first laboratory experiment provided an insight of the force, momentum and energy of the medium in the ground state (zero energy), an Ethanol 13 was reduced to Ethanol 10. The difference between the two is the number of hydrogen ion in its compound. A hydrogen ion is created when a hydrogen atom loses its electron. The light energy removes electrons from water, releasing oxygen as waste product; it does increased the pH of the water. pH stands for "power of hydrogen". Hydrogen plays a particularly important role in acid-base reactions. In ionic compound, the hydrogen can take the negative charge as hydride or positively charged by the symbol of H+. With mandala light energy (low-dose gamma ray), it increased the pH of the water, from the initial state of pH 6.6 to pH 7.9 – 8.1 at a peak time of 12 hours. Pure water is neutral. When an acid is dissolved in water, the pH will be less than 7. When a base, or alkaline, is dissolved in water, the pH will be greater than7. A speck of an alkalizing substance like baking soda will immediately raise the pH of a glass to over 7. Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate is a white solid that is crystalline but often appears as a fine powder. It has a slightly salty, alkaline taste resembling that of washing soda (sodium carbonate). The natural mineral form is nahcolite. It is a component of the mineral natron and is found dissolved in many mineral springs. An artificial alkaline water is utilizing an electrolysis machine which claims to raise the pH of drinking water. This type of machine are designed to work as water electrolysers with electrochemical process in which water is split to form hydrogen and oxygen by electric current. Therefore, the Mandala Ionizing Water is Natural like it is found in many mineral springs or mineral water. This hypothetical claim is still subjected to peer-review.
For trial of the mandala water ionizing sheet, the price is USD 20 for 5 laminated sheets in 3 sizes, (2", 4", 8"). It will last for more than 2-3 months. We shall send it you via express mail, additional fee for postage and weight charges.
Therapeutic Healing Effect
The author of this article has been consuming the mandala ionized water since April, 2015. At age 46, she experienced a joint pain in the elbow and it was relieved after drinking the ionized water continuously and no signs of the pain coming back.
After two months, the menstrual blood appeared brighter that indicated a rich oxygen content in hemoglobin, it also regulated the menstrual cycle.
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