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Well-Being Research, Ionization of your Refrigerator and its Contents

This research discusses the on-going test of low dose gamma ray ionization of the refrigerator and its contents (meat, vegetables, fruits, seafood, milk, etc.).

Food goes bad because of bacteria, mold and microbes attack it. This happens more quickly in warm temperature, where as cold interrupts and even stops this process. So, food will keep fresh for longer in a fridge. Nowadays, there are enormous refrigerated rooms, for string meat and vegetables which can then be eaten in perfectly good condition at any time of year. The technique of keeping foods refrigerated is most important in transporting fish from the sea to the markets where they are sold [1].

A refrigerator is one of the most important pieces of equipment in the kitchen for keeping foods safe. These electric units are so commonplace today, we forget a refrigerator was once a little more than a box with a block of ice used to supply a rather undependable source of cold air. But we are instantly reminded of its importance to our daily lives when the power goes off or the unit fails, putting our food’s safety in jeopardy.

Refrigeration slows bacterial growth. Bacteria exist everywhere in nature. They are in the soil, air, water and the foods we eat. When they have nutrients (food), moisture and favorable temperatures, they grow rapidly, increasingly in numbers to the point where some types of bacteria can cause illness. Bacteria grow most rapidly in the range of temperatures between 40 and 140 °F, the “Danger Zone”, some doubling in number in as little as 20 minutes. A refrigerator set at 40 °F or below will protect most foods [2].

What makes our refrigerator works? The compressor is attached to a grill-like device called a condenser (a kind of thin radiator behind the refrigerator) that expels the unwanted heat. Finally, the gas that circulates round the pipe is actually a specially designed chemical that alternates between being a cool liquid and a hot gas. This chemical is known as the coolant or refrigerant [3].

What will the hot gas much hotter and the coolant became much cooler? Ionizing radiation is radiation that carries enough energy to free electrons from atoms or molecules, thereby ionizing them. Ionizing radiation is made up of energetic subatomic particles, ions or atoms moving at high speeds (usually greater than 1% of the speed of light), and electromagnetic waves on the high-energy end of the electromagnetic spectrum [4].

This research intended to explain the photoelectric phenomena of the low dose gamma ray in mandala, the media for low dose gamma ray came from an 8” x 8” is attached at the back of the refrigerator. Gamma ray (also called gamma radiation), is extremely high-frequency electromagnetic radiation and therefore consists of high-energy photons. Even though photons are electrically neutral, they can ionize atoms directly through the photoelectric effect and the Compton effect. Photoelectric absorption is the dominant mechanism in organic materials for photon energies below 100 keV. In every scattering event, the gamma ray transfers energy to an electron, and it continues on its path in a different direction and with reduced energy [5].

Discovery of Phenomena

In 2012, the discovery of mandala effect has been tested in electrical appliances, first in the ironing equipment. There was an extra heat from the normal temperature control which smoothen the fabric better. The ironing equipment felt lighter at grip. Three years later (2015), the paper was published claiming the low dose gamma ray in mandala, a non-hazardous ionizing radiation existed in a 4 x 4 inches piece of paper. The photoelectric effect explanation provided a better understanding of the phenomena with its ionizing effect on the heat and cold thermal producing electrical equipment. Gamma ray has an ionizing radiation and electrical effect; it increases the conductivity but in low dose that it did not have a potential damaging current for devices.

Ionizing radiation is applied constructively in a wide variety of fields such as medicine, research, manufacturing, construction, and many other areas [6]. The ionizing effect on refrigeration was tested to compare the result in the ironing equipment. The initial observation was extra coldness, thus, placing the thermostat control in the first degree instead of the third degree out of five gauges. This simple experiment was applied without the knowledge of the residents in the house; the housemaid complained of garlic and onion being frozen, the frozen tofu and the water turned into ice in its plastic package (see picture).

Prior to the refrigeration experiment, food placemat samples were produced in order to test the ionizing radiation to various food supplies. It was reported in the paper (see table below).


The energy field in mandala has the Zero-Point energy with perpetual motion mechanics and cosmological constant that its energy is not reduced during the process of photoelectric effect and compton scattering. The photonic radiation are in low dose, its ionizing radiation is non-hazardous.


The general relativity theory of E=mc2 assumes the potential and kinetic energy in the spacetime (mass and speed of light) energy field.The energy field in the mandala is zero (zero-point energy) which will react with the matter, the electricity and the temperature of the refrigerator.

1. How much space and time to complete the photoelectric effect and compton scattering? This can be measured in the change of temperature during/and peak time.

2. How much is the ionic charged of temperature change? Science is not settled until the temperature change is properly recorded before, during and after the mandala application. The mathematical theory of E=mc2 is based on the temperature change, comparing the kW consumed of the refrigerator unit before and after the mandala application.​

In one circumstance, the tofu and the water in the plastic package was frozen (Image 1). The freezing point of the water is 0° C or 32° F. The tofu's location was in the lower shelf of the refrigerator unit above the vegetable bin. The thermostat control was in the least thermostat gauge, which was 40° F. The difference was 8° F, that potential energy released from the zero-point energy in mandala reached the freezing point without the additional kW. This anomaly did not happen again on the next day (Image 2), it did not freeze the water on the plastic.

The force of Zero-Point Energy from 8" x 8" paper, in reference with the closed-system in the refrigerator is converted into the following equation:

How many kW using the Thermal Resistance Unit Converter.

1. 40 degree Farenheit: 75.8 kW

2. 32 degree Farenheit: 60 kW

3. Difference: 15 kW

The megajoule (MJ) is equal to one million (106) joules, or approximately the kinetic energy of a one megagram (tonne) vehicle moving at 160 km/h.

One kilowatt hour of electricity is 3.6 megajoules.

Both images were uploaded in the facebook account to vouch for its date(s).

Image 1: March 30, 2016

Image 2: March 31, 2016


This experiment on Raw Food Cold Storage Ionized Treatment has its usefulness in supplying an alternative and efficient:

  1. Food Irradiation. It is the process of exposing foodstuffs to ionizing radiation.Ionizing radiation is energy that can be transmitted without direct contact (radiation) capable of freeing electrons from their atomic bonds (ionization) in the targeted food. This treatment is used to preserve food, reduce the risk of food borne illness, prevent the spread of invasive pests, and delay or eliminate sprouting or ripening. Irradiated food does not become radioactive. The radiation can be omitted by a radioactive substance or generated electrically.

  2. Cold Plasma Treatment. In the context of food processing, a nonthermal plasma (NTP) is specifically an antimicrobial treatment being investigated for application to fruits, vegetables and other foods with fragile surfaces. These foods are either not adequately sanitized or are otherwise unsuitable for treatment with chemicals, that or other conventional food processing tools. The term cold plasma has been recently used as a convenient descriptor to distinguish the one-atmosphere, near room temperature plasma discharges from other plasmas, operating at hundreds or thousands of degrees above ambient). Within the context of food processing the term “cold” can potentially engender misleading images of refrigeration requirements as part of the plasma treatment.However, in practice this confusion has not been an issue. Cold plasma may also refer to the barely ionized (e.g. 1%) plasmas in general.


  1. The Mandala Magic Sticker for Refrigerator Ionized Treatment (from 8” x 8”, 12” x 12”).

  2. The Mandala Magic Sticker for Food Plastic Container

  3. The Magic Mandala Food Placemat for shelves, an alternative for Food Plastic Container Sticker.


The research budget required is USD 4,500 for simultaneous science projects, public donation is required to conclude the research and submit the paper for peer-review.

  1. Crowdfunding support will reward the donors to receive the prototype products, stickers and laminated food placemat by mail. The donation cost is USD 20, includes: 1 big sticker, 2 sticker for plastic container, 2 laminated placemat. Delivery cost is excluded and will be notified based on the package cost to your country.

  2. The end-goal is launching the Food Cold Storage Ionizing Treatment.


Niki Saraswati

Bali - Indonesia



Facebook: The Magic Mandala



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The Mandala Research by Niki Saraswati @ 2016 - 2018

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